Federal Government Designates Kootenai County as High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area in Idaho

Idaho has a huge drug problem. A lot of people think that, because it’s a more rural state, there’s less of a problem with drug trafficking. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Because of where its situated, Idaho is actually a hotbed of drug trafficking activity. The federal government agrees. That’s why they recently announced that a third country in Idaho will join 27 others across the nation in a new drug task force.

According to Jim Carroll, the director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the federal government has just designated Kootenai County as the newest to be included in the new task force. Ada County and Canyon County were already included in this task force because of their high levels of illegal drug trafficking.

This program essentially gives law enforcement in Idaho grant money to help combat drug trafficking. The counties can use this money to increase the number of drug trafficking arrests. They can also use it to seize drugs, drug money and vehicles. The plan is to use a portion of this money to target high-intensity drug areas in Kootenai County. Contact our Boise criminal defense attorneys for more information.

Law Enforcement Will Target High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Routes

Law enforcement in Kootenai county have already targeted two separate routes they suspect have a high levels of drug trafficking. Marijuana is legal for recreational use in both Washington and Oregon. A lot of traffickers choose to transport the product from these states through Idaho using Interstate-90.

This stretch of road is short – it’s just under 100 miles long. This means that there’s a good chance a drug trafficker could get across the state undetected. They then move the product into the states East of the Mississippi River. The hope is that, if the police can catch them along this stretch of land, they can seize dangerous drugs and paraphernalia.

The task force also expects to target US-Highway 95. They believe that this is used to transport illegal drugs from the North to the Southern part of the country. These drugs include everything from heroin to marijuana.

What Drugs Do They Expect to Target?

The grant money that’s being provided to Ada, Canyon and, now, Kootenai counties can be used to combat any sort of drug trafficking. Obviously, the biggest problems in Idaho right now seem to be methamphetamine and heroin. However, law enforcement is also expected to target marijuana which is illegal in Idaho for any use. They also expect to seize their fair share of cocaine as a result of this heightened law enforcement activity.

Idaho has some of the strictest drug trafficking laws in the country. That’s because they don’t need to prove that you plan on selling the drug in order to charge you with trafficking. Everything goes by the amount of the drug you have on you. Once you reach a certain threshold, you will be charged with felony trafficking and will be facing years in prison. The police and the prosecutor don’t even need to prove the drugs were yours. If you are found in possession of any illegal substance, they can charge you with trafficking. And, the threshold amounts for some of these drugs are quite low. You may be transporting marijuana for personal use. However, if it’s more than the proscribed amount, you can be facing a decade or more in prison.

This is Part of a National Program – Idaho is Just a Small Part

There is a drug epidemic going on all over this country. The high-intensity drug program targets the entire nation. Currently there are 28 counties taking part in the program. They are all receiving grant money. The government identified certain areas of the country known to be high-intensity drug trafficking areas. Sadly, there are three counties in Idaho alone that have qualified. What this means is that the cops are going to be cracking down even harder on people they catch with drugs on their possession.

Contact an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer in Boise Idaho

If you or your loved one are charged with any drug trafficking offense, call our office. You’re going to need the help of an experienced Boise criminal defense lawyer. You can be facing months or even years in prison along with a ton of fines. Knowing the government is cracking down even harder on drug trafficking in Idaho, it’s more important than ever that you know your rights. Call our office right away and schedule your initial consultation.

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