Can a Convicted Felon Carry a Firearm in Boise, Idaho?

The laws in Idaho regarding firearms are rather liberal. In fact, they’re some of the most lenient in the country. This is odd given how strict the legislature is in other areas, such as the drug laws. For the most part, anyone over the age of eighteen (18) can carry any sort of weapon within the limits of Idaho. However, the rules are quite different if you’re a convicted felon.

In most states in this country, if you’ve been convicted of a felony, you won’t be allowed to carry or own a firearm of any kind. This prohibition will stay with you for the rest of your life. And it doesn’t matter where your conviction took place. For example, if you’re convicted of armed robbery in Florida, this conviction will still prohibit you from carrying a gun in Idaho.

But that doesn’t mean you’ll never be able to carry, own or possess a firearm ever again. There are certain circumstances under which you’ll be allowed to use or own a gun. However, these situations are few and far between. That’s why it’s important to talk to a criminal defense lawyer in Boise, Idaho if you’re not sure if you’re allowed to carry a weapon. The penalties for a felon caught with a firearm are just too high to risk it.

Idaho’s Gun Laws are Rather Relaxed

Compared to a lot of other states, Idaho has some pretty relaxed gun laws. Under Idaho law, you’re not required to carry a permit in order to purchase a rifle, shotgun or handgun. The same is true for carrying any of these weapons. The general rule is that anyone over the age of eighteen (18) can openly carry a firearm within the confines of the state of Idaho.

The rules are pretty lenient when it comes to concealed weapons as well. As long as you’re not otherwise prohibited from carrying a firearm, you can carry a concealed weapon in Idaho. This applies to a person whether they’re in their home, a public place or on private property.

The law in Idaho used to be limited to citizens of the state. For example, in order to carry a concealed weapon in your car, you had to live in Idaho. However, this law is changing as of July 1 of 2020. It will not extend this law to any citizen of the United States.

Convicted Felons Cannot Carry, Own or Possess a Firearm in Idaho

While the gun laws in Idaho are pretty relaxed, that doesn’t mean convicted felons are allowed to carry weapons. In Idaho, if you’re a convicted felon, you aren’t allowed to have anything to do with weapons. You aren’t allowed to purchase a gun, for yourself or for anyone else. You aren’t allowed to carry a weapon either. It’s also important to understand that convicts aren’t allowed to discharge a weapon either. This means that, if you’re at a New Year’s Eve party and your friend offers you their gun to shoot in the air, you can’t do it. Using a gun is treated the same way as owning or carrying a gun.

This law applies to anyone who has ever been convicted of a felony. It doesn’t matter what state your conviction was handed down in. All convicted felons are subject to the laws in Idaho. There are only a few exceptions to this rule. For felons who had their convictions set aside or overturned, the prohibition does not apply. The same is true for any defendant whose conviction was nullified in any other way.

If you’re caught carrying, owning, possessing or discharging any type of firearm in Idaho, the penalties are quite severe. You can be sentenced to up to five (5) years in prison and ordered to pay up to $5,000 in fines.

Contact a Criminal Defense Attorney in Boise, Idaho

Any convicted felon should know that they’re not allowed to own or possess a firearm in Idaho. They tell people this when they’re convicted. However, when someone is facing a criminal conviction, the last thing they’re worried about is reading the fine print. If you’re a convicted felon and are now facing illegal gun charges, call our office right away. An experienced Boise criminal defense lawyer can talk to the prosecutor and find out what you’re up against. They can also try to get the charges reduced or dismissed.

Call our office and set up a date and time to meet. Let one of our seasoned defense lawyers review your case and let you know what your options are.

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