Ada County Deputy Sheriff Shot During Apprehension of Burglary Suspect

At about 7:30 am on Monday, July 13, the Ada County Sheriff’s Department received a call about a possible burglary. The caller reported that a yellow motorcycle had been stolen from a home at the intersection of Beacon Light Road and Idaho 16. It was just North of Star.

The deputy, along with other officers, saw the suspect a few hours later at about 11 am. They tried to pull the suspect over, but he led the officers on a short car chase. He then jumped off the stolen bike and ran away on foot. When the Ada County deputy tried to apprehend the suspect, they ended up exchanging gunfire.

The suspect managed to hit the deputy sheriff twice. He then took off into a cornfield. The deputy, whose name has not yet been released, was taken to a hospital in Boise. The Sheriff’s Office stated that he was in critical condition.

Later Monday afternoon, his condition was upgraded to stable. However, he did have to undergo surgery in the afternoon hours. The deputy did manage to thank the other officers and medical staff who came to his aid.

The Sheriff’s Office dispatched the Ada County SWAT team to find the suspect. Reportedly, thanks to tips from local citizens, they did manage to track the suspect down at about 1 pm. The suspect turned himself in and peacefully surrendered to the officers.

When they arrested the suspect, they found two firearms on him. They have not yet confirmed if either of these weapons were the ones that were used to shoot the sheriff’s deputy.

As of this afternoon, the name of the suspect had not been released. They expected to book him into the Ada County jail but it had not happened yet as of this report.

If you’re charged with any sort of serious crime in Boise, call our office immediately.


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